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UUCP Administrative Programs

Most of the administrative programs are in /usr/lib/uucp, though the UUCP database files reside in /etc/uucp. The only exception is uulog, which is in /usr/bin. These commands are described in their respective reference pages.

You should use the uucp login ID when you administer UUCP because it owns the basic networking and spooled data files. The home directory of the uucp login ID is /usr/lib/uucp. The other UUCP login ID is nuucp, used by remote computers that do not have their own login IDs to access your computer. A computer that logs in with nuucp receives uucico as its shell.

The following programs are the administrative utilities of UUCP:


Displays the contents of a specified computer's log files. A log file is created for each remote computer with which your computer communicates. The log files contain records of each use of uucp, uuto, and uux.


Cleans up the spool directory. This command is normally executed from a shell script called uudemon.cleanup, which is started by cron.


Tests call-processing capabilities and does a moderate amount of debugging. This command invokes the uucico daemon, in debug mode, to establish a communications link between your computer and the remote computer that you specify.


Checks for the presence of UUCP directories, programs, and support files. This program can also check certain parts of the Permissions file for obvious syntactic errors.


Generates the Permissions file for stations that assign each remote station its own login ID.
The following programs are used for initializing different types of modems. The use of these programs is described in IRIX Admin: Peripheral Devices, Chapter 1, "Terminals and Modems."


This program initializes DSI modems


This program initializes Hayes modems.


This program initializes Intel modems.


This program initializes Telebit modems.


This program initializes U. S. Robotics modems.


This program initializes Telebit modems.

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